Sunday, December 14, 2014

True Love Still Exists...

As this year is coming to its end, and the Christmas season is here, I felt led to write about True Love.  A Love, we humans can’t fully grasp or comprehend.  We live in a world where “true love “only exists in fairy-tales, movies and books.  We live in a world where love is underrated and devalued.  I say it’s devalued because we as people don’t truly believe or are losing sight of what love really is.  

You see this world has diminished the value of love, making us believe that love is something you have to earn by your good looks or your good work. For example a girl may believe that in order to get a guy to love her she has to do something first to earn his love either by sleeping with him or giving him whatever it is he wants, a guy may believe that to get his girl to love him, he has to work his butt of to buy her whatever she wants to earn/get her to love him.  That isn't love, you shouldn’t have to prove yourself to anyone, or feel the need to have to give them something in order for them to love you. True love gives, it accepts, protects, encourages, uplifts, strengthens… all on its own, love shouldn’t have to be earned or demanded from someone, it doesn't take, take, take, or manipulate.  That is why I’m here to tell you about a Love that I have found, a love that is unfailing, undeserving, unconditional, and free for all. you don't have to try to earn this love… I still believe in true love. I’m not talking about that gushy type of love between a boyfriend and girlfriend, husband and wife type of love… that’s conditional love. Personally to me, I believe that if a person doesn’t know God on a personal level, than how can they know love me or know how to express real love to me when they don’t know the creator of it?! The bible says in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 that: Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. If you were to replace the word ‘love’ in this bible verse with ‘God’… it would say: God is patient, God is kind. God does not envy, God does not boast, God is not proud.  God does not dishonor others, God is not self-seeking, God is not easily angered; God keeps no record of wrongs.  God does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  God always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  Can you see the difference in that verse now? God is love and if someone doesn’t know God and read the instructions on how to love or experienced that love, then how can they love? 
For example let’s say someone gave you a gift but because they didn’t know the inventor/creator of it and they didn’t read the instructions to know how to build it or use it, they ended up giving you something half built that didn’t have no foundation, so when you received that gift that they gave you out of thought from someone who cared for you, it didn’t work or last very long. And because they didn’t know how to use it themselves they couldn’t explain to you how you are to use it. And because you didn’t know the creator of it yourself or have the instructions on how to use it, you used it the way you thought it was supposed to be used until it was useless or it broke because it was used out of it's context.  In that same way people who do not know God or don’t read His instructions (The Bible) on how to love, they truly know/understand or comprehend how to give that type of love. Not that they didn’t love you they just didn’t know how to, they just don’t know how to give/build that type of love because they don’t know the creator of it.  That’s why it’s so important to read His love story to us so that we as humans can know how to love when we really don’t want to and when it’s too hard to love someone. The way that God loves us is incomprehensible and unexplainable.

This world doesn’t understand that type of Love, God’s love. God’s love can’t be earned or explained, it can only be accepted and experienced! If I was to sit here and try to explain God’s love for me it would be impossible for me to try to tell you every detail, but what I will tell you is that His love can cover you, protect you and reach down and pick you up when you’re down. His love can reach to the highest mountain and to the lowest valley, it can reach from the east all the way to the west without it breaking, or tearing. His Love is stronger than anything we can ever face!

When I think of the word love, Jesus comes to mind because He is the true definition of love, my definition of love, maybe it’s not in the dictionary, but in the bible and in my life He is. This season/time of the year is the time we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and how God, His father gave up his only son, out of LOVE, to be sent to this world as a human baby boy to carry the sins from all of us in the world, (even though you and I weren’t even born yet), He was sent to bear all of our pain, addictions, hurts, rejection, etc… to give us hope and eternal life. And then on top of all that Jesus gave his life for us, so that we wouldn’t have to die and be punished for our own sins. The bible says that the wages of sin is death. ~ Romans 6:23 Jesus paid the price for each and every one of our sins when He died on that cross… and as He spoke the words: “It is finished” I believe that the power that sin had over us was broken. And because of that we are free from sins grip. Because Jesus died and overcame the cross, we too can overcome ANY/EVERY situation, circumstance, addiction, abuse, adultery, fornication, masturbation, hurt, pain, EVERYTHING! Because Jesus died we can live!   Jesus says in John 16:33 “…In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Then in John 10:10 Jesus says I came that they may have life, and may have it abundantly.” 

Jesus did all of that out of love for us, He knew that we would disappoint Him, reject Him, hate Him, lie to Him, mistreat him, hurt Him, BUT He still humbled Himself and came to this earth knowing that He was going to have to carry the weight of everyone’s sins on his shoulder to the cross and die for us.  The people who spit in His face, whipped him, scorned Him, and laughed at him. But you know what the best part is about this whole thing, is that He did this with you, me and ALL of us on his mind. He endured all of that so that we can experience that love that He has for us. :)

How great is that to know that someone  loved you SOOOOO very much that he gave up his throne in heaven to came to this sinful world to be treated like nothing and go through everything that you’ve been through and/or going through to die for us, a people undeserving so that we can have a personal relationship with Him. :)It is so much easier to have a personal relationship with someone who has went through something or is going through something that you are going through or been through. It gives you comfort and hope and that is why He had you on His mind because He wanted that intimate personal relationship with you, me and every one of us in this world. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” –John 3:16-17

Till this day I struggle with believing that true love exists and acceptance for who I am. But God has shown me His love time and time again and I still cannot grasp the depth and fullness of His amazing love for me /us.  Just thinking about the goodness of God and how He’s constantly chasing after me and choosing me even when I run away from Him and choose everything/everyone else BUT Him most of the time… And no matter how far I (try to) run away from Him, His LOVE is always there to meet me and bring me back to Him! :) I truly believe that it is because of the love of God I am where I am today. <3  But when I think of Jesus dying for me on that cross, the pain that He suffered in my place is NO comparison to the little bit of pain that I feel and/go through. In Isaiah 54:10 it says “For the mountains may move and the hills disappear, but even then my faithful love for you will remain. My covenant of blessing will never be broken," says the LORD, who has mercy on you.  So no matter what problem you’re facing or what friend or person has left you or rejected you… know that God still loves you and He will NEVER break His promises. 

When I think of the stripes on His back, and his nail scared/pierced hands and the blood that was shed to wash away and cover my sins of today, yesterday, and tomorrow and forever… I can’t help but to trust and believe that LOVE still exist!!! And I wanted to share that with you all this Christmas season, and let us remember the REAL meaning of the season, Jesus.  Remember to give, to show love, and to give hope to all…  

And if you’re reading this and you never heard of this true Love that I am speaking about, I encourage you to start reading His love letters to you (the bible), check out a local Christian church, comment, or email me any questions, concerns and even prayer request. I’ll be more than happy to help you understand this love and pray for you. And if you already know about this love that I am talking about I also encourage you this season to take the time to remember the Love that Christ shed for you and reach out to that lost friend, loved one, co worker… anyone, and lets share this love of God  this time of year and all year long! Let’s make a difference in someone’s life this year! 

Love you all and I’m praying for each and every one of you! Have a wonderful rest of the year and a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! 

Remember you are loved dearly and are worth dying for!

 God Bless! :)

-Joy <3

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

What Do You Believe?

This past weekend I went to a conference for young women starting from middle school all the way through college. The theme of the conference was “Reject What You Know.”   In this world that we live in today we, meaning this generation is constantly bombarded with lies about ourselves and who we are, whether it be that you’re not thin or thick enough or you’re not pretty enough, etc…  So my questions for you all (and myself) are what in your life do you need to reject? Who or what do you believe?  Do you believe the lies of the enemy that come from the media and other people, or do you believe the truth of God that comes from His Word?  Do you believe that you’re not good enough or you’re not pretty enough or do you believe that you’re God’s masterpiece and that you were created in His image and that you’re fearfully and wonderfully made?
 If you know me you know that I have such a heavy burden for the girls and women in this generation, it breaks my heart to see these young girls my age and even in elementary believing lies that they aren’t pretty enough if only they knew how precious they are in the sight of God.  The other day my heart broke when my friend came to me with tears running down her face because all her life people have told her that she’s slow and she can’t do anything right and that she must have a disability and how she started to believe that what they said was true.  It was in that moment that God put it on my heart to write about what I’ve learned this past weekend. 
I’m pretty sure we all heard the saying: “Sticks and stones may break my bones but WORDS will never hurt me.” That quote right there is a lie, because we all have been hurt by words that someone has said to us… And the bible says that “The tongue has the power of life and death…” ~Proverbs 18:21 We need to be careful with the words we say to each other, and the words we allow to be said to us, also the words we allow to get into your minds through certain TV shows, movies, music that we listen too, and even sometimes words that our “friends” say to us.  The bible says: “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.  Avoid all perverse talk; stay away from corrupt speech.” Our words hold power in them that is why we have to be very careful what we say to other people, what we listen to, including what we say to ourselves sometimes, because those words that are spoken plants a seed either in your own life or someone's life and if you keep listening to them and meditating on them they will grow. When God created this world, He did so by speaking it into existence. So start speaking life into your life and others, you never know who God may put in your path that may need a small word of truth spoken to them because they’re so caught up in the lies of the enemy.
If I can be honest with you guys I was that person almost a year ago. I believed the lies of the enemy instead of the word of God, I was so swamped with lies that when a person told me the truth about what God’s word says I rejected it because I believed the lies so long that they became the new truth to me. I used to think that God couldn’t use me because of all my past mistakes, or broken inside and He wasn’t able to fix me. Can I just tell you that if you are broken that is the most perfect time for God to move through you and rebuild you for His plan/purpose for your life. Another lie that I believed for a very long time was that God didn’t love me or care about me. A few months before my 12th birthday my dad passed away, and to a young girl who was raised up in church all her life and witnessing the miracles that God was able to do for others but didn’t answer the prayer that she prayed over and over and over for her father to be healed, left her in distrust.  I started to stop trusting God for many years throughout my early teen years, I stopped believing that He loved and cared for me.
But pretty soon I got to the point in my life where I was tired of listening to the lies of the enemy and I started to reject the lies and started to replace them with scriptures from the word of God. I stopped listening to certain music and hanging out with certain people and watching certain movies, to help clear my mind, and I started praying and reading the bible a little more. One of the bible verses that I meditated on Isaiah 44:22 which says “I, the Lord, made you.  I have swept away your sins like a cloud.  I have scattered your offenses like the morning mist…for I have paid the price to set you free.” This bible verse shows me how much God loves me and how He has redeemed me from my past. Thank you Jesus!  I tell you this because it is so very important to know the word of God.  Without it you can’t defend yourself against anyone, it’s your sword, the words you read and speak from it are living and active, they hold power over the enemies. So again I encourage you to reject the lies of the enemy and start excepting the truth which is God’s word, dig into it and start memorizing scriptures, replace the lies with truth.  Also remember your words have the power to tear someone down or build someone up, be very careful when choosing your words and what you allow yourself to listen to, whether it be from friends, family, music, or a movie/TV show. Stay encouraged! :)
Love ya,
Joy <3

Monday, October 6, 2014

Trusting an Incomprehensible God.

Have you ever been in a situation/circumstance in your life where you just couldn’t understand or see what God was doing in that moment? I know I have. So many times I find myself tired and worn out because I try to figure out what God is doing or wants me to do.  I try so hard to understand the plans He has for my life, to the point where I gets so weary in my journey with Him and I try to direct my own life because I’m unable to fully comprehend everything that He does and I fail to realize that his thoughts are not my thoughts and His ways are so much HIGHER than mine. Isaiah 55:8 says: “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways”, declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.” And in Proverbs 20:24 says: “The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?” Sometimes it can be hard for us to trust God when we don’t understand, when we can’t see clearly, when we don’t have clear directions, but we have to have faith that God WILL fulfill the plans He has for our life.   

Just as a mother wouldn’t give her newborn baby solid food because she knows what’s best for the baby and she knows that the baby isn’t ready to handle that type of food and it can hurt it. But as the baby starts to go through a process of developing and growing teeth and the digestive system starts to get stronger, she will gradually start to give her baby solid food, it’s not like she was withholding it to be mean but to protect her child and make sure that it grows healthy and develops first before trying to give them something else... Same goes for God, He knows EXACTLY what we need before we need it, He also knows that some of the things we are asking for, we aren’t quite ready for them so He’s withholding them from us until the time is right. That doesn’t necessarily mean He won’t give them to us if it’s according to His will for our life. You might ask, “then when is the right time?” and I will tell you I don’t know when God is going to move, and that’s were faith comes in, you have to have faith that He is going to do whatever it is that He said He was going to do. I also know that there’s a process that you have to go through to develop in certain areas in your life before He can trust you with the things you’re asking for. 

A lot of the time we give up way before our process is over, and God begins to show us His plan for our life. What I’ve learned is that I have to have faith in those times where I can’t see or understand or even figure out what He’s doing in my life. There were times in my life were I lost hope, were I was so close to giving up, I was at the end of my rope and all I remember is just crying out to God and pouring my heart out to Him, and that’s when He revealed to me what He wanted me to do in that season of my life.. Sometimes we just need to be still in His presence and spend more time with Him than we do trying to understand and figure Him out. At times we get so caught up with “finding” God’s directions/plans for our life that we get distracted or lost and miss the things that He’s trying to reveal to us in those times. I’m reminded of Jeremiah 29:11-13 where it says- “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Everybody knows Jeremiah 29:11 but what  we all fail to realize is the next couple verses after that, Jeremiah 29:12-13 which says: “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” So you see there are some things that we have to do also, we have to play our parts so God can do His. We all know that God has a plan for our lives and we want him to reveal it to us but we often times forget that in order for Him to be able to show us we have to be in commune with Him, calling out to Him and seeking Him with all our hearts on a daily basis. He will begin to unfold our plans for our lives when we are desperate and truly ready to cry out and search for Him.

We have to except the fact that we will not always be able to fully understand why God chooses to do or allow certain things to happen in our life. We have to trust God enough to believe that He will keep His promises, that He will bring us out of the mess we’re in, He will provide for us, He WILL always be with us, that His love for us is unfailing, never ending, incomprehensible. Trust that He’ll be whatever it is that you need him to be in your life (e.i. father, mother, friend, comforter, provider, etc…). So today start trustin’… and stop stressin’… God’s got EVERY single detail of your life in His hands. Just TRUST HIM!! :)

Love y’all,

-Joy <3

A Letter To Someone

Dear Someone,  I'm writing this letter to you because the Lord placed it on my heart to do so. It has been laying so heavy on me t...