This past weekend I went to a conference for young women starting
from middle school all the way through college. The theme of the conference was “Reject What You Know.” In this world that we live in today we,
meaning this generation is constantly bombarded with lies about ourselves and
who we are, whether it be that you’re not thin or thick enough or you’re not
pretty enough, etc… So my questions for
you all (and myself) are what in your life do you need to reject? Who or what do
you believe? Do you believe the lies of
the enemy that come from the media and other people, or do you believe the
truth of God that comes from His Word? Do you believe that you’re not good enough or
you’re not pretty enough or do you believe that you’re God’s masterpiece and
that you were created in His image and that you’re fearfully and wonderfully
If you know me you know
that I have such a heavy burden for the girls and women in this generation, it
breaks my heart to see these young girls my age and even in elementary believing
lies that they aren’t pretty enough if only they knew how precious they are in
the sight of God. The other day my heart
broke when my friend came to me with tears running down her face because all her
life people have told her that she’s slow and she can’t do anything right and that
she must have a disability and how she started to believe that what they said
was true. It was in that moment that God
put it on my heart to write about what I’ve learned this past weekend.
I’m pretty sure we all heard the saying: “Sticks and stones may
break my bones but WORDS will never hurt me.” That quote right there is a lie,
because we all have been hurt by words that someone has said to us… And the
bible says that “The tongue has the power of life and death…” ~Proverbs 18:21 We
need to be careful with the words we say to each other, and the words we allow
to be said to us, also the words we allow to get into your minds through
certain TV shows, movies, music that we listen too, and even sometimes words
that our “friends” say to us. The bible says:
“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Avoid
all perverse talk; stay away from corrupt
speech.” Our words hold power in them that is
why we have to be very careful what we say to other people, what we listen to,
including what we say to ourselves sometimes, because those words that are
spoken plants a seed either in your own life or someone's life and if you keep listening to them and meditating on them they will grow. When God
created this world, He did so by speaking it into existence. So start speaking
life into your life and others, you never know who God may put in your path
that may need a small word of truth spoken to them because they’re so caught up
in the lies of the enemy.
If I can be honest with you guys I was that
person almost a year ago. I believed the lies of the enemy instead of the word
of God, I was so swamped with lies that when a person told me the truth about
what God’s word says I rejected it because I believed the lies so long that
they became the new truth to me. I used to think that God couldn’t use me because
of all my past mistakes, or broken inside and He wasn’t able to fix me. Can I just
tell you that if you are broken
that is the most perfect time for God to move through you and rebuild you for
His plan/purpose for your life. Another lie that I believed for a very long
time was that God didn’t love me or care about me. A few months before my 12th
birthday my dad passed away, and to a young girl who was raised up in church
all her life and witnessing the miracles that God was able to do for others but
didn’t answer the prayer that she prayed over and over and over for her father
to be healed, left her in distrust. I
started to stop trusting God for many years throughout my early teen years, I
stopped believing that He loved and cared for me.
But pretty soon I got to the point in my life where
I was tired of listening to the lies of the enemy and I started to reject the
lies and started to replace them with scriptures from the word of God. I
stopped listening to certain music and hanging out with certain people and
watching certain movies, to help clear my mind, and I started praying and
reading the bible a little more. One of the bible verses that I meditated on
Isaiah 44:22 which says “I, the Lord,
made you. I have swept away your sins
like a cloud. I have scattered your offenses like the morning mist…for I have paid the price to set you free.” This
bible verse shows me how much God loves me and how He has redeemed me from my
past. Thank you Jesus! I tell you this because
it is so very important to know the word of God. Without it you can’t defend yourself against
anyone, it’s your sword, the words you read and speak from it are living and
active, they hold power over the enemies. So again I encourage you to reject
the lies of the enemy and start excepting the truth which is God’s word, dig
into it and start memorizing scriptures, replace the lies with truth. Also remember your words have the power to
tear someone down or build someone up, be very careful when choosing your words
and what you allow yourself to listen to, whether it be from friends, family,
music, or a movie/TV show. Stay encouraged! :)
Love ya,
Joy <3